Category Archives: Uncategorized
ouxpo: hinder
Title hinder Rule / Constraint A theater director wants to be part of a dance performance. His identity as a person is one who is in charge. Two blocks of ice are strapped to his feet while performing. This is … Continue
ouxpo: nip it in the bud.
—Andrew de Freitas Title Nip It In The Bud. Rule / Constraint Production of this narrative text was based on preset limitations with respect to space and time; all imagery contained within it must be derived from the action of … Continue
ouxpo: claustrophobia
Title Claustrophobia Rule / Constraint Juxtaposition of the concept of portrait photography within the constraints of a scanner. Only the scanner was used to create images, with the intent to capture the upper head and shoulders of the model within … Continue
åhörartektonik: en amerikansk-skandinavisk högläsning
vid ett visst tillfälle försvinner ordet ”mellan”. först försvinner citationstecknen. — aaron kunin, secret architecture likt de skyddade sfärer vi delar med någon vi älskar som elfenbensrepresentationer annars lämnade osagda, ord härbärgerar en majestätisk geografi, tillåter både publik och åhörare … Continue
audience tectonics
at a certain point the word “between” disappears. first the quotation marks disappear. — aaron kunin, secret architecture much like the protected spaces we share with a beloved as ivory representations otherwise left unsaid, words harbor a royal geography, allow … Continue