A flyting response to a real life event―specifically, facts related to a current event.
Iran has cut energy and food subsidies, risking a repeat of angry protests which followed fuel rationing in 2007 … Iran’s oil-based economy has been hit by four rounds of UN sanctions, as well as those from individual countries over its controversial nuclear programme.
—BBC News 2010.12.19
On Dec. 18th, 2010, the Senate followed the House in voting to repeal the policy known as don’t ask, don’t tell, sending the provision to President Obama, who signed it into law on Dec. 22. Since 1993 the policy allowed gays to serve in the military so long as they kept their sexual orientation quiet. More than 17,000 service members were discharged since it was mandated by Congress.
—New York Times 2010.12.22
Sveriges fortsatta utvisningar av irakiska flyktingar oroar både Europarådet och FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR. Men regeringen vägrar att bemöta kritiken och hänvisar till Migrationsverket. I onsdags sattes 20 irakier, varav fem kristna, på ett plan från Sverige till Irak. “Jag är bekymrad eftersom detta inte var första gången Sverige har tvångsutvisat flyktingar till Irak,” säger Europarådets ordförande Mevlüt Cavusoglu i ett pressmeddelande. Även UNHCR uttrycker sin bestörtning över utvisningarna och vädjar till Sverige att stoppa dem.
Sweden’s ongoing deportation of Iraqi refugees is concerning, both to the Council of Europe and to the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR. But the government refuses to answer the criticism, referring to the Immigration Service. Last Wednesday 20 Iraqis, including five Christians, were put on a plane from Sweden to Iraq. “I am concerned because this is not the first time Sweden has forcibly returned refugees to Iraq,” says the Council of Europe President Mevlüt Cavusoglu in a statement. UNHCR also expressed shock at the expulsions and appeals to Sweden to stop them.
—SVT/TT 2010.12.18
In high drama last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill, known as the DREAM Act, that would have granted legal status to potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrants under age 30 who attend college or serve in the military. But in the Senate, the measure, formally the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, fell five votes short of advancing to the floor for a vote, as opponents attacked the bill as amnesty for lawbreakers.
—Los Angeles Times 2010.12.22